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Whelp, we're pregnant and designing a nursery! We couldn't think of a better way to push ourselves to finish the nursery before Baby Boy Z arrives in February than to participate in the Fall 2020 One Room Challenge!

Planning Phase - The Waiting Game Before The Brainstorm

Planning and details are literally what I do for a living and what I LOVE to do for all the projects that I am hired for. However, because of the fragile nature of any pregnancy, I had to be in the mindset of "I might not get the job" when it came to starting to plan my own baby's nursery before I was far enough into the pregnancy. I did not even start thinking of a color scheme or space plan until I hit the second trimester which is when I started to think - I AM HIRED, I GOT THE JOB! (I am now 23 weeks today). There is a fine balance between planning and not getting our hopes up, even at this point in the pregnancy.

The first part of my design process is to measure the room (and in this case it was a completely empty guest bedroom) then put a furniture space plan together.

Next, I started looking for cribs as this would be the focal point of the room. In addition to looking for cribs, I was able to ask a handful of my close friends who have already each had 2+ kids on what nursery furniture and decor they liked and what they could do without. Hearing from other mamas on products and brands that proved to be tried and true for them was the most helpful part of my planning phase.

Color Scheme + Theme

The designer in me instantly went for a minimalistic elegant look to tie into the Navy + Gray and wood details I have throughout the rest of our home. My husband, Matt (who I jokingly refer to as the Lead Designer because he does come up with some great ideas!) brought me back down to earth and suggested that we add a more whimsical theme like a "fox" which resembles our two orange fur babies who are Novia Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. I ran with the fox theme and incorporated some pops of bright orange; here's a quick mood board rendering of the design we came up with!

Let's Get Started!

Over the next month I will be sharing product sources and the progress of putting our nursery together! Here is what we are planning on tackling and sharing with you!

-Product Sourcing

-Purchasing/Budgeting Tips

-Stenciled Accent Wall

-DIY no sew custom curtains

-Closet organization

-Cheap & Easy Art Ideas

-Baby Proofing + Safeguards

To see the other amazing room transformation and cheer on all the designers participating in the Fall 2020 One Room Challenge, visit:


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